There are many Medical Colleges present in Tamilnadu. But students prefer to get enrolled in colleges which have
• Well-equipped and sophisticated labs
• Well trained and intelligent faculties
• Good pass percentage each year
Below are the top 10 Medical colleges in Tamilnadu that are ranked based on the above criteria.
1. Christian Medical College,Vellore
Ph.no : 0416-2282010,3072010
Email : directorate@cmcvellore.ac.in
Website : www.cmch-vellore.edu
2. JIPMER,Pondicherry
Ph.no : (0413)2272380
Email : director@jipmer.edu
Website : www.jipmer.edu
3. Madras Medical College,Chennai
Ph.no : 044 - 2530 5000
Email : mmcadmin@tn.gov.in
Website : www.mmc.tn.gov.in
4. Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute,Chennai
Ph.no : +91-44 -24769816,24768423
Email : vcsrmc@hotmail.com
Website : www.srmc.edu
5. PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research,Coimbatore
Ph.no : +91 422 2570170
Email : psgmedschool@gmail.com
Website : www.psgimsr.in
6. Meenakshi Medical College and Research Institute,Kanchipuram
Ph.no : +91 44 27264096
Email : contact@mmcri.res.in
Website : http://mmcri.res.in
7. Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute,Kanchipuram
Ph.no : +044-27440346,27440347
Email : sssmcri@rediffmail.com
8. Coimbatore Medical College Hospital,Coimbatore
Ph.no : 0422-2301393/94/95
Email : deanmch-tncbe@nic.in
Website : www.coimbatoremedicalcollege.in
9. KIMS,Kanchipuram
Ph.no : 044-27598484
Email : kims.medical@yahoo.com
Website : www.kims.edu.in
Website : http://balajitrust.org
10. Stanley Medical College Chennai
Ph.no : +91-44-2528-1351